Thursday, May 6, 2010

x keruan, x tenang,x senang, x best.....

Tday's day seems to be even worse than yesterday. even though i was hoping to get a better day but it was da apposite.. hmm well what can i say its life... tday everything seems to be so wrong... ada je yang x kene ngan ape yang aku buat. The worse part is when even while playing my own guitar pun terbantut sbb tali putus.. if its the normal guitar kapok xpe ni guitar eletric.. adui.. mane nak cekau rimau nak ganti tali 2h...

Its like i am not capable of doing anything right today . But nvermind the day aint over till the fat lady sings. Even though we always look at the dark side of life, the unfairness of life, the cruelty of life, the harsh life that we live in we must always remember that god is fair.. insyaallah mayb today is your bad day but tomorrow we still dont know. I still believe that we live in a very beautiful world that has beautiful lifes in it...

In order for the world and life that we live today to be positive and nice, we ourselves must be positive first. always think of happy thought and always look at the good side of life that has faded today. insyaallah there is still good side of life that we havent encounter yet. so let us pray together and hopefully we will still see the best part of life in the future.... hehehehe

(p/s:aku pun xtaw knape dgn aku ni.. tgk la tulis post pun dh x btol hahahahah )